martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Shutter Island

Muy buena pelicula, suspenso del mejor, Di Caprio estupendo buena fotografia y ambientacion...sublime, ni hablar del final,sin desperdicio.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i seriously love your own posting kind, very remarkable.
don't quit and also keep posting as a result it just truly worth to read it,
impatient to looked over a whole lot more of your own content, kind regards :)

Liza dijo...

don't understand, honey.

the last comment is a bit strange. why would someone, who speaks engrish, is soooo impatient to read your blog?

well, come to think of it, its a very very good blog!

te amo.

sos mi bebe bello

Claudio dijo...

pero escuchame, puse un trailer re bueno!!! XD
yo no dirigi la pelicula aclaro, fue martin scorsese.